Populism Page

As a Hungarian citizen, I have a deep intered in Populism.

My interest is due to the fact that Viktor Orbán, the current Prime Minister, and his right-wing party, Fidesz, have consolidated their power and hold on Hungary's institutions through populist rhetoric.

Since 2010, when Fidesz won a supermajority in Hungary's Parliament (despite barely attaining a majority vote in the national elections that year), it has introduced a new constitution, passed an "anti-pedophilia" law, and affiliated itself with or acquired upwards of 90% of the country's media.

Through these initiatives, Orbán and Fidesz have consolidated their hold on power and restructured the judiciary (relieving it of its independence from the rest of the Hungarian state), both rhetorically and legally equated LGBTQ+ individuals with pedophilia through the anti-pedophilia law, and transformed the previously free media environment into one constantly repeating the Fidesz line.

A photo of the Hungarian Parliament.